Malborough Pre-School
1.1 Risk Assessment
1.2 Group Rooms, Stairways and Corridors
1.3 Kitchen
1.4 Children's Bathroom / Changing Areas
1.6 Short Trips, Outings and Excursions
1.7 Outdoors
1.8 Staff Cloakrooms
1.9 Maintainance and Repairs
1.11 Staff Personal Safety
1.12 Threats and Abuse Towards Staff and Volunteers
1.13 Entrances and Approach to Building
1.14 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
1.15 Manual Handling
1.16 Festival (and Other Decorations)
1.17 Jewellery and Hair Accessories
1.18 Animals and Pets
1.19 Face Painting and Mehndi
1.20 Notifiable Incidents, Non-Child Protection
1.21 Terrorist Threat/Attack and Lock-Down
2. Fire Safety Policy
2.1 Fire Safety
3. Food Safety and Nutrition Policy
3.1 Food Preparation, Storage and Purchase
3.2 Food for Play and Cooking Activities
3.5 Meeting Dietary Requirements
4. Health Policy
4.1 Accidents and Emergency Treatment
4.2 Administration of Medicine
4.3 Life-Saving Medication and Invasive Treatments
4.4 Allergies and Food Intolerances
4.5 Poorly Children
04.5a Managing a suspected case of coronavirus
04.5b Infection control
4.6 Oral Health
5. Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity Policy
5.1 Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity
6. Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy
6.1 Responding to Safeguarding Concerns
06.2 Low level concerns allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff volunteers
06.02a Low level concerns form
6.3 Visitor or Intruder on the Premises
6.4 Uncollected Child
6.5 Missing Child
6.6 Incapacitated Parent
6.7 Death of a Child On-Site
6.8 Looked After Children
6.9 E-Safety
6.10 Key Person Supervision
7. Record Keeping Policy
7.1 Children's Records and Data Protection
7.1a Privacy Notice
7.2 Confidentiality, Recording and Sharing Information
7.3 Client Access to Records
7.4 Transfer of Records
8. Staff, Volunteers and Students Policy
8.1 Staff Deployment
8.2 Deployment of Volunteers and Parent Helpers
8.3 Student Placement
9. Childcare Practice Policy
9.1 Waiting List and Admissions
9.2 Absences
9.3 Prime Times - The Role of the Key Person
9.4 Prime Times Settling In and Transitions
9.5 Establishing Children's Starting Points
9.6 Prime Times - Arrivals and Departures
9.8 Prime Times - Snack Times and Meal Times
9.9 Prime Times - Intimate Care and Nappy Changing
9.10 Prime Times - Sleep and Rest Time
9.12 Promoting Positive Behaviour
9.13 Identification, Assessment and Support for Children with SEND
9.14 Prime Times - Transition to School
9.15 Progress Check Age Two
10. Working in Partnership with Parents and Other Agencies Policy
10.1 Working in Partnership with Parents and Other Agencies
10.2 Complaint Procedure for Parents and Service Users
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